Care Plus
Care Plus is a full check-up and support service for enrolled patients with more than one chronic or long-term condition, acute medical or mental health needs or terminal illness.
Care Plus is provided through Counties Manukau District Health Board and offered by all Local Doctors and White Cross GP clinics.
If you are eligible for Care Plus you are entitled to cheaper clinic visits. Ask your doctor or nurse if you think you may be eligible. If you are not, other support and services may be available.
As a Care Plus patient you will receive:
- an initial, full assessment, exploring your health needs
- an individual care plan including realistic, achievable health and quality of life-related goals, with regular follow-ups
- effective management of chronic health conditions
- a better understanding of your condition
- support to make lifestyle changes.
Self management support
We offer programmes to help eligible patients manage chronic conditions or high-risk health problems, including:
- diabetes
- cardiovascular disease
- congestive heart failure
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- gout
- asthma
- depression
- multiple chronic conditions.
Patients can also receive on-on-one health coaching. The programmes are free, or available at the subsidised rate, to eligible patients.
A nurse provides ongoing support, a care plan with personalised goals, resources and advice for navigating the healthcare system. Transport can also be arranged to get you to your clinic.
Self-management education
Self-management education is a free programme in your local community for you and your family. The programme improves wellbeing, especially for those who have long-term medical conditions.
The programme helps you:
- learn new skills to manage your health condition
- develop confidence in the way you manage your condition(s)
- meet others and share similar experience
- learn new tips for keeping as well as possible
- feel in control of your life
- have the opportunity to be trained as a community leader
- achieve goals and milestones
- turn obstacles into milestones.
If you have diabetes, cardiovascular disease or another chronic condition, please ask your doctor or nurse about our long-term conditions programmes, health coaching and Care Plus.